About Us

Pioneers in engineering

We are more than just a design company


provides engineering design, project management and specialized technical advice and consulting services

ID&A staff

Technical Director and Technical Manager and Service Coordinator of the Project Verification Sector 

Michele Speciale – engineer

Technical Field

Engineers Working Group

Armando Ferraro – electrical engineer

Leandro Caldarella – electrical engineer

Emanuele Falzone – civil engineer

Fabio Falzone – civil engineer

Pio Dellutri – civil engineer

Gianluca Vitalizio – civil engineer

Giuseppe Adamo – environmental engineer

Antonio Gallo – mechanical engineer



Architects Working Group

Mauro Vaccaro – architect

Roberta Palazzo – architect

Filippo Catrini – architect

Rossella Polito – architect

Antonio Carmisano – architect


Surveyors  Working Group

Giovanna Fiocco – surveyor

Giuseppe Cambio – surveyor

Massimo Lombardo – surveyor

Giuseppe Aiello – surveyor


Consultants Working Group

Letizia Fallica – lawyer

Luigi Restuccia – geologist

Marco Scarantino – agronomist

Krizia Farruggio – biologist

Rosa Sicilia – arts expert

Salvatore Candura – informatics Expert

Stella Nicoletti – archaeologist

The ID&A Studio operates, with over ten years of experience, in the fields of architectural and urban planning.

Present in the scenario of professional design realities since 1976, it offers guarantees of consolidated experience, quality, competence and professionalism.

The main sectors of activity are:  Feasibility studies, design, construction management, safety coordination relating to works of residential, commercial, tertiary, welfare and industrial construction.Territorial and urban planning, with particular reference to implementation planning.

Architectural design, construction supervision, safety coordination for the construction of infrastructures, parking, accommodation and urban furniture works.Supply of technical services for the engineering of projects, including those of considerable complexity, drafting of technical drawings and work estimates.

Consulting activities in the construction sector. The aforementioned activities are carried out on behalf of public and private entities, companies and construction companies.

The design team currently consists of 15 collaborators freelancers assigned to the project.

Studio ID&A collaborates in a systematic and organic way with other 4 Professionals, with whom it shares the project philosophy, as well as headquarters, production means and service structures. The ID&A Group was born from the partnership between the Eng. Michele Speciale and the group of freelance architects and engineering, with whom it has established a systematic and organic collaboration relationship.

The ID&A Group, can boast, through the specific professional skills that constitute it, a consolidated experience in the fields of architectural and urban planning.  The work team is structured in order to achieve the best professional synergies and provide quality services. Studio ID&A also makes use of consolidated and systematic collaborations with other Professionals, Technical Studies or Engineering Companies, to offer an integrated design, complete with all the specialized services inherent to architecture, structures, technological systems, fire prevention, environment and sustainable design. Since its establishment, the ID&A Studio has distinguished itself for the use of digital systems to aid in the design, with the aim of providing its customers with high reliability, certainty in both economic and temporal results, competitiveness.

Since 2010 it has equipped itself with the necessary tools for the development of B.I.M. (Building Information Model), adopting REVIT as a program. This tool allows the production of all the necessary documentation for a perfectly coordinated project and the development of advanced and innovative services.

Our meeting room

Management Pillars

A strong team with years of experience




Eng. Michele Speciale

CEO / FOunder

Technical Director and Technical Manager and Service Coordinator of the Project Verification Sector


